Jan. 27, 2025
The Human Rights Committee is launching a challenge to encourage GSU members to explore the PSAC’s Walking In Our Truth Together online course to support Truth and Reconciliation.
PSAC put the course together with Canadian Geographic as a 10 module offering, the first modules are online now with the rest to be released shortly. It’s an excellent resource and can be completed at your own pace.
As an incentive and to encourage participation the first 10 GSU members who submit a copy of completion certificate for the 10 course modules will receive a Truth and Reconciliation Keepsake, made by our awesome colleagues at the Royal Canadian Mint.
An added bonus is that all proceeds from the sale of the Truth and Reconciliation Keepsake will support the work of the Na-mi-quai-ni-mak Community Support Fund (Residential School Survivors).
To take the course, click here