It has been more than a year since I had the privilege of leading the great family that is the Government Services Union. It is my pleasure to submit my last report for 2022, as National President.
At the beginning of October, we had 10,627 members. By the end of December, GSU gain just over 1000 members more – an increase of 11% compared to October 2022. This increase is mostly attributable to the work done by GSU employees on the unallotted lists. Our growing number means that increased members are seeking assistance from our Locals, and I am committed to ensure that our activists have the tools and knowledge they need to meet the demand.
National Council
National Council held a meeting on December 9 to go over resolutions proposed by the GSU Equity Committee.
Consultations with the various employers continue. Below is a summary of the various consultations I attended for the period covered by this report:
Shared Services (SSC)
National Health and Safety Policy Committee (NHSPC)
Internal Branch Labour-Management Consultation Committee (IBLMCC)
Human Resources Union Management Consultation Committee (HRUMCC)
National Labour Management Consultation Committee (NLMCC)
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
National Health and Safety Policy Committee (NHSPC)
Labour Management Consultative Committee (LMCC) with Pay Administration Integrated Branches
Real Property Management Consultation Committee (RPMCC)
Pay Administration Branch Labour Management Consultative Committee (LMCC)
Procurement Branch & Defense and Marine Procurement Branch (PB-DMPB)
Corporate Services Labour-Management Consultation (CSLMCC)
Receiver General and Pension Branch Consultation
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Technical Sub-committee (Phoenix)
Executive Level Phoenix Union Management Consultation Committee
Next Gen
Public Service Alliance of Canada
National Board of Directors
PSAC Holdings Board
Roles and Responsibilities and Structure Committee
Ad-hoc Sub-Committee of the NBoD on unallotted members
The GSU Young Workers Conference was held in Ottawa Nov. 30 to 1 Dec. 2022. I was extremely proud to address the attendees. The next generation of GSU is strong. A special recognition to our Young Workers’ committee sister Leanne Moss and brother Simon Pazdor along with their mentor brother Kevin Hanson were exceptional hosts.
Return to the workplace has been a recuring key point for both PSPC and SSC. Both departments are committed to a hybrid work model f wherever possible. While the government decision has brought some frustration and confusion among some of our members, for others the announce of return to the workplace meant some sort of job stability, more so for our 2500 members employed in the Real Property Branch. As I said before, GSU is not against a return to the workplace, however we do question the lack of strategic planning and vision. In our consultations with TBS, the Phoenix Pay System is front and center. GSU members working for the Pay Administration Branch are stretched to the max. The current staffing levels do not meet the demand, and that is unsustainable for our members. Our members' well-being is a priority for GSU, and the current workload and pressures put on our members employed in pay administration is an ongoing concern.
GSU also strongly opposes the current method of recovery of overpayments. Members with overpayments dating back to 2006 must repay amounts while the explanation of the overpayments is not clearly identified. We are not approaching recovery of overpayment back to 2007, GSU is opposed to using valuable resources to recover overpayment while there is a substantial back log of unresolved pay issues.
In early November we saw a groundswell of solidarity as unions across the country came together, in support of CUPE, in strong opposition to the Ontario government's anti-worker measures. The Bill introduced by the Ford government would not just have affected CUPE, but all the labour movement as it threatened to set a dangerous precedent for unions across Canada. It sparked a massive backlash from the labour movement amid vows of collective action like a general strike, and it drew condemnation across the country. I am extremely proud of GSU members for supporting our colleagues from CUPE.
PSAC 2022 National Convention May 26, 2022 to June 3, 2022
The PSAC National Convention was held virtually from May 26, 2022 to June 3, 2022. Over five hundred delegates participated in this event. Although a virtual convention for such a large number of delegates is not ideal, most of the business was completed during the session. I am extremely proud of the professionalism demonstrated by the GSU delegates. We showed once again that GSU is a leader in the PSAC.
GSU Locals
GSU Locals
In addition to the virtual AGMs, I attended since getting elected, I also had the opportunity to meet with some of our Local executives and join them for lunch or dinner. This meeting format proved to be very productive. The exchanges with local executive officers, away from an AGM setting, allowed for candid discussions that proved to be beneficial for all involved.
Below, is a list of AGMs I attended:
Date |
Local |
Area |
Nov 17 |
50058 |
Winnipeg - PSOs |
Nov 19 |
50057 |
Winnipeg - RCM |
Dec 6 |
00027 |
Toronto |
The next table lists all the locals’ executives I had the opportunity to meet:
Date |
Local |
Location |
Nov 3 |
70024 |
Ottawa - RCM |
Nov 9 |
80052 |
Halifax |
Nov 18 |
50002 |
Winnipeg |
Dec 2 |
70019 |
Dec 3 |
70013 |
Dec 5 |
00027 |
Toronto |
I continue to be 100% committed to the priorities set by Convention in October 2021 and the promises I made to the delegates.
I believe that it’s important to meet and have informal discussions, in person. I have started those conversations by meeting some of the executives and will continue to do so until I have met with all Locals. As mentioned above, these types of meetings with the Local executives allow for two-way communication and truly help me grasp the current issues faced by the Locals and the membership in the various regions.
We are working tirelessly on strategies to help us recruit leaders for today and tomorrow’s GSU.
Upcoming Events
In the upcoming months, various meetings will take place, leading to GSU Convention in September 2023. I will also be attending some of the PSAC regional conventions in late Spring.
In closing, I want to thank the GSU National Council and our local representatives from across the country for their support, advice, and guidance over the past year.
I would like to end this report by acknowledging the GSU staff who each day work diligently to serve our members and activists. I commend you for your professionalism and dedication. Thank you sincerely.
Respectfully submitted,