Local 70055 Ottawa/Gatineau Supply


GSU Local 70055 represents the PSAC members in the Ottawa/Gatineau region working at Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) within the following branches:

Defense and Marine Procurement Branch Departmental Oversight Branch
Digital Services Branch Integrated Services Branch 
Legal Services Branch Pay Solutions Branch
Procurement Branch  

Our members are located throughout the NCR in several locations such as Marine Services & Small Vessels; Real Property & Commercial Acquisitions Sector; Industrial Security Screening Sector; Technology Services & Support and; Business Planning & Management Services - to name a few. We provide a wide range of services and support in areas such as Acquisitions, Procurement, Technological support, Security, and Defense.

Our Union offers its members opportunities to grow outside of taking an active role in being leaders in the workplace, allowing them to participate in various workplace committees such as the Young Workers Committee, the Health and Safety Committee, the Members with Disabilities Action Committee, and more. Our Union offers its members the opportunity to partake in initiatives invested in the social and economic health of our communities and our shared commitment to supporting one another. For more information about the different committees you can join within the NCR, please visit: Committees – PSAC NCR (psac-ncr.com).

If you would like more information (including on how to complete your PSAC Union Card, set up your PSAC member and benefit accounts, or on where to find your collective agreement), are interested in taking on an active role within our Union/Local, or require work/union related assistance, please contact us at the email address below and one of our team members will contact you directly.

Additionally, you can join us on Facebook at: GSU Local 70055 Section locale 70055 SSG

To contact us, please email: general.inquiries.local70055@gsu-ssg.com

Local Executives

Position Name/Nom Email/Courriel Phone/Téléphone
Samantha-Jo Meijer
Vice President
Vice Présidence
Clara Innamorati
Sonia Sangiorgi
Vladimir Radovic
Chief Shop Steward
Personne déléguée syndicale en chef
Marc Saumier
Communications Director
Direction des communications
Benoit Laurin